Tag Archives: yoga health benefits

Nurture Your Mind and Body in Nature!

hiking yoga outdoor benefits 7 Benefits of Exercising Outdoors

Reach your arms up to the sky…root your feet into the earth…take a deep breathe in…

We hear these cues in the studio yoga but it would help if we were surrounded by sky, earth and fresh air!  There are great benefits to stepping off the mat and taking your yoga practice outdoors.

Green exercise or activity in the presence of nature…

  • Improves self-esteem and mood by increasing serotonin
  • Revitalizes us and makes us feel more alive
  • Improves focus
  • Lowers risk of obesity
  • Increases exercise frequency
  • Is the best way to get a daily dose of Vitamin D
  • Increases oxygen uptake for improved metabolism

Hiking Yoga adds in the cardio of hiking to create the best recipe for a healthy happy YOU!

How Yoga Compliments Hiking

Tree at water

Customers come to us seeking a wide variety of benefits to enhance their lifestyle. Some yoga hikers come to distress after a long day or week in the office.

Yoga is a great compliment to hiking. Various relaxation techniques, meditations and breathing exercises are more fulfilling and grounding in natural flowing air, compared to an enclosed class where the amount of oxygen is limited. The website Health and Yoga lists more benefits of meditation, including increase in serotonin production. This influences mood and behavior. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression, obesity, insomnia and headaches.

By integrating the yoga, we are also a lot less sore. Instead of powering up the mountains and being unaware of how they are hiking, we are focusing on the ankles, hip flexers and body motion while exercising. We eliminate the soreness after one is finished hiking by having yoga stations in intervals throughout the hike.

The combination also opens up the lungs more due to the cardio and focus on breath. We do partner yoga so that people can connect, which keep the lungs working during conversation too! A shared experience is just sweeter, since it is simply wonderful to be outdoors and interacting with like-minded people.